Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I ship my product in the ECORRCRATE® and it is exposed to rain?

The ECORRCRATE comes standard with ECORRSHIELD®, a recent technological advance that protects the exterior of the ECORRCRATE through water resistance.

How does the strength of the ECORRCRATE compare to that of a typical wood crate?

The key to the strength of the ECORRCRATE is the ECORRBOARD®, which is a proprietary cross-laminated corrugated paperboard product we use to make the ECORRCRATE. In lab tests it was able to meet or exceed the strength of most traditional wood crates. All of our walls as well as the inserts inside of the top lid are made from ECORRBOARD for maximum strength.

How can my company save money by using the ECORRCRATE?

The upfront cost to purchase the ECORRCRATE is less than most wood crates. In addition, the ECORRCRATE is typically less than half the weight of a comparable wooden crate creating additional savings on freight, especially if you are shipping via airfreight.

Can I ship the ECORRCRATE internationally?

The ECORRCRATE is exempt from ISPM-15 phytosanitary measures. No additional heat treating is required to send our product worldwide.

Is the ECORRCRATE recyclable?

The ECORRCRATE is 100% recyclable even down to the glue we use to bind the product and the water resistant coatings used to protect the product from moisture. To recycle the ECORRCRATE, you just need to clip the bands, collapse the walls and throw it into a recycle bin. In addition, the ECORRCRATE is made of recycled material.



How does the strength of the Ecorrcrate compare to that of a typical wood crate?

The key to the strength of the Ecorrcrate is the Ecorrboard, which is a patent pending product we use to make the Ecorrcrate. In lab tests it was able to meet or exceed the strength of most traditional wood crates. All of our walls and the top are made with the Ecorrboard.

What happens if 1 part of the Ecorrcrate is damaged but I want to reuse it?

Ecorrcrates are constructed in individual components. If one component is damaged, it is not necessary to replace the entire Ecorrcrate, you may simply purchase a replacement component.

How much weight can I stack on top of an Ecorrcrate?

Our 3 most common board strengths can be stacked at 4000 – 12,000 lbs when the stacked item is the same size or larger than the Ecorrcrate. We have built Ecorrcrates with up to 30,000 lbs of stacking strength so far.

How will the Ecorrcrate hold up in shipping heavy products?

One of our most commonly asked questions. The weight of the product going into the crate is typically a function of the weight-bearing base beneath the Ecorrcrate. We construct each Ecorrcrate base to meet your weight requirements. We have many customers that ship very heavy products in Ecorrcrate with no issues.

Environmental Factors


What happens if I ship my product in the Ecorrcrate and it is exposed to rain?

The Ecorrcrate uses the most recent technological advances in humidity protection in the form of a patented product called ClimaGuard that protects the internal portions of the Ecorrboard against humidity and a water resistant patented coating called FiberShield that repels water on the exterior of the Ecorrcrate.

What happens if my Ecorrcrate sits outside on the shipping dock over a weekend in the rain or snow?

Ecorrcrates are built to withstand the elements over short periods of time. An Ecorrcrate subjected to rain or snow, will hold up very well for 2-3 days. If more protection is needed, then Ecorrshield is added to the Ecorrcrate to bring moisture protection up to around 10 days.

Can I store Ecorrcrates outside?

Ecorrcrates are not designed for long term outdoor uncovered storage. We recommend Ecorrcrates be stored inside or in a outdoor covered structure or tarped.



How can my company save money by using the Ecorrcrate?

The upfront cost to purchase the Ecorrcrate is less than most wood crates. In addition, the Ecorrcrate is typically less than half the weight of a comparable wooden crate creating additional savings on freight, especially if you are shipping via airfreight.

Do Ecorrcrates cost more than heavy-duty boxes?

In most cases, yes, the Ecorrcrate will cost more than a standard box.

Why do Ecorrcrates cost more than heavy duty boxes?

Ecorrcrates are shipping crates not boxes so they will outperform any standard, heavy duty corrugated box. They are manufactured in a very similar way to wood crates. The corrugated lumber material is cut to size just like wood lumber is cut to size. The corrugated lumber is more expensive than traditional corrugate material because it is much thicker and is also cross-laminated in a proprietary process to give it a very high level of multi-directional strength. Ecorrcrates cannot be manufactured on high speed equipment in the same way as a traditional corrugated box.

Will I pay more for an Ecorrcrate than I do for a wood crate?

Ecorrcrates in general are comparably priced to fully enclosed wood crates. If the wood crate being compared is made from plywood, then it is not uncommon for an Ecorrcrate to be 15-20% less. If the wood crate being compared is made from OSB, then the Ecorrcrate is typically very similar in cost.

Will shipping in an Ecorrcrate lower my freight cost?

On average, Ecorrcrates will lower freight costs by 15-20% (typical savings range: 5%-30%)



Can Ecorrcrates be reused?

Ecorrcrates can be and are reused. Our customers report more turns in the reuse of Ecorrcrate than what they experienced with their previous wood crates.

How many times can I reuse an Ecorrcrate?

Like most packaging, the number of times an Ecorrcrate can be reused is a function of the supply chain environment. Closed loop, in-town shipments and dedicated truck shipments see very high levels of reuse, often 10, 20, 30 times. In more difficult supply chain environments, reuse may be more limited but often times Ecorrcrates can be reused more times than other traditional shipping crates. If the Ecorrcrate is not damaged, reuse is virtually unlimited.

How do I recycle an Ecorrcrate?

The Ecorrcrate components can be placed in any standard paper recycle bin or tote, recule dumpster or compactor.

Is the Ecorrcrate recyclable?

The Ecorrcrate is 100% recyclable even down to the glue we use to bind the product and the water resistant coatings used to protect the product from moisture. To recycle the Ecorrcrate, you just need to clip the bands, collapse the walls and throw it into a recycle bin. In addition, the Ecorrcrate is made of recycled material.

Is Ecorrcrate a sustainable shipping container?

The Ecorrcrate is the most sustainable shipping container on the market. Nearly 100% of the Ecorrcrate is made from renewable paper. Unlike wood crates that are disposed of in the dumpster and taken to landfills, Ecorrcrates are both easily recycled and pulpable. Recycled Ecorrcrates are turned into other paper products ending its shipping crate life cycle in the most sustainable way possible, corrugated cardboard is the most recycled packaging material in the world.



Is Ecorrcrate just a different kind of box?

The Ecorrcrate is not a box it is a shipping crate very similar to wood shipping crates in design, construction, and performance. Rather than using wood, Ecorrcrate is manufactured using Ecorrboard, a lumber made from corrugated paperboard.



How can I get the forklift underneath the Ecorrcrate to pick it up and move it?

All Ecorrcrates are manufactured with some form of base underneath. The base is often constructed from ISPM15 compliant Heat-Treated lumber or an Ecorr base with feet or runners. Either one allows the space needed underneath to lift the Ecorrcrate with a forklift.

What kind of tools do I need to put the Ecorrcrate together?

The Ecorrcrate requires no tools to construct or set up, to make ready for shipment or to break down after use. To unpack, you will need a pair of scissors to cut the poly straps.

Are Ecorrcrates easy to set up?

Most Ecorrcrates take less than 1 minute to set up. Very large Ecorrcrates may take a bit longer to set up.

Are Ecorrcrates safe to use?

The Ecorrcrate material is a paper-based material and is a nonbrittle, soft material that is relatively light weight. It is easy on people, structures and equipment. Ecorrcrates are often preferred by safety compliance officers.



Can I ship the Ecorrcrate internationally?

The Ecorrcrate is exempt from ISPM-15 phytosanitary measures. No additional heat treating is required to send our product worldwide.

Are Ecorrcrates ISPM15 Compliant?

Ecorrcrates are ISPM15 compliant. Corrugated paperboard is by definition ISPM15 compliant. If there is a wood base underneath the Ecorrcrate, the wood base is manufactured from prime, heat-treated and stamped lumber and are ISPM15 compliant.
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