Dan and his buddies decided it was time for another trek to the lake up north for some ice fishing…in a corrugated paper crate. Yes, you read that right. Fishing inside paper.

We asked ourselves these three questions before making the first trip out:

  1. How well will the moisture protective layer work?
  2. Will the insulation be enough for multiple days of fishing?
  3. Will the structure stand up to the frosty winds?

From the outside looking in, it could seem like we were in for a cold, wet, nasty adventure. But, we were determined to prove the limitless possibilities of working with Ecorrboard.

With temperatures ranging from -18 (not including wind chill) to 35 degrees Fahrenheit, the lake in Cascade, Idaho was the perfect place to see just how well an Ecorrcrate built for eight men to fish would hold up.

Our crew was comfortable and overall pleased with the outcome. Plus, we had a leaderboard going as we participated in a friendly competition.

How did it turn out?

Moisture Protection

The moisture protection worked so well we were able to store our fish and drinks in it like a cooler. Don’t worry, they were separate coolers.


The insulation, along with the obvious jackets, pants, and boots, was fantastic. We ran a propane heater that kept us warm as we dropped our lines for that day’s catch.


The structure never wavered. It might as well have been a fortress compared to the flimsy tents blowing around the other sorry fishermen.

As you can see, we ended up sharing in lots of fun and camaraderie as our band of fishermen enjoyed another successful trip. (Yes, we do this every year.)

Check out one of our previous ice-capades in the video below!

Want to learn more about Ecorrcrate as a shipping solution?

Don’t take our word for it. An aerospace customer of ours shared this game-changing testimonial. Maybe your business could be next to revolutionize the industry.

“It is faster, easier and safer to package in Ecorrcrates®. They weigh less so we pay less for freight. They are very durable and can be re-used, so we buy less. The Ecorrcrate® costs less than the wood crate, so we spend less. They are internationally accepted, so we have less issues in Exporting.”